Bloodborne patch notea
Bloodborne patch notea

bloodborne patch notea

bloodborne patch notea

Reduced the Quicksilver Bullet cost for use of Choir Bell (reduced from 8 to 7).Reduced the Quicksilver Bullet cost for use of A Call Beyond (reduced from 8 to 7).Attack force with low arcane will be higher. Increased the duration of the effect of Augur of Ebrietas.Increased the duration of the effect of Tiny Tonitrus.Increased the duration of Old Hunter Bone and reduced the use of Quicksilver Bullets (reduced from 5 to 4).

bloodborne patch notea

Reduced the stamina use of the Logarius’ Wheel.Reduced the stamina use of the Kirkhammer.In particular, it was fixed a problem with the use of Blood Gems. Fixed a bug of the attack force of the Rifle Spear.Adjusted the effect of Beast Blood Pellet item.This increases duration and attack improvement by beasts. Changes made to how Beasthood accumulates.Adjusted the resistance and vulnerability of some enemies to bolt and arcane attacks.Adjusted the strength of some enemies in some areas in new game plus.Up to 600 Blood vials and quicksilver bullets can now be stored in the storage.Added a “blood chunk” item to the insight store (it will appear after playing the game up to a point).Conditions for the appearance of the insight store changed: it will appear when the player has one or more insight instead of 10 (Once unlocked, it will now remain unlocked for the rest of the game, even if you have zero insight).


  • By using password matching, you can now be matched regardless of level difference, and even with a hostile oath.
  • A translation by Giuseppe Nelva of DualShockers is provided below: The English translation is not available yet, so the Japanese version can be found here. Bloodborne patch 1.04 has been made available for download on PSN.

    Bloodborne patch notea