Luckily it only takes one line to get UIActivityViewController to on iPad.
All of these use the same code, but we will also learn how to share on iPhone and iPad because the two platform work differently. In this tutorial we will learn how to share images, text and a URL. To re-enable suggested people in all share sheets, simply toggle on the option in Siri settings.UIActivityViewController makes sharing easy and it allows one to share many different types content including, text, images, URL's, Audio and more.

Why remove contacts suggestions in the share sheet The most common trick was to delete the whole Messages thread for a particular contact, as doing so makes the said contact disappear from the share sheet.ĭeleting the whole thread or an app just to remove a contact from the share sheet’s top row isn’t very helpful, so Apple in iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 added a new option that makes it easy to disable contacts in iOS share sheets. You can enable or disable specific apps or services, as well as change their order of appearance by tapping the rightmost More icon.Įarlier, there was no way to hide these contact suggestions, so people resorted to all sorts of creative solutions. The list of contacts for sharing is based on Siri intelligence and cannot be edited, while the list of apps in the bottom row is editable. var myInt Int () Initialize its value in viewDidLoad (): 1.
I set it to SwiftUIButton but you’re free to use any other name. In iOS and iPadOS, share and action extensions are displayed in the share sheet that appears when people choose an Action button.

First, fire up Xcode and create a new project using the Single View Application template. Okay, let’s start with the basics and create a simple button using SwiftUI. Add the following variable to the ViewController.swift, right below the myLabel Outlet's declaration. Creating a New Project with SwiftUI enabled. Contacts appearing in the iPhone share sheet Now let's try to add an Integer ( Int in Swift) and share it between the two controllers.

This increases your privacy and also makes the share sheet less dense. end of init(frame:): Map/Walk2Draw/Walk2Draw/DrawView.swift override init(frame. Do you see contact suggestions here and wish to get rid of them? Follow along as we show you how to disable contact suggestions in the iOS share sheet on your iPhone and iPad with just a few simple steps.
Share the logic of your Android and iOS apps while keeping UX native Server. When you tap the share icon in iOS apps like Photos, you see the multi-purpose share sheet or the activity view. A modern programming language that makes developers happier.